Saturday, August 26, 2006

Update Okay

Boys Like Girls. Take THAT Good Charlotte (Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money - but Boys Like Girls). But seriously. I got my pre-ordered Boys Like Girls CD on Tuesday and it's amazing. It's really really great preppy pop punk. Thunder is one of my favorite songs now. The lyrics are incredible: "Your voice was the soundtrack to my summer, do you know you're unlike any other? You'll always be my thunder." Ah. Amazing. I'm loving it.

Also, a new band I found, Karate High School rules. It's fun post hardcore rock. It's kinda hard to categorized, but I like it. :D Give them a listen, it's good stuff.

And now I'm going to take a nap. I'll update when I wake up (or whenever I feel like it). Haha.

Listen To: Chiodos


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