Friday, June 27, 2008


Been a while! Instead of mini-reviewing every CD I've listened to in the past YEAR, I'll just list off a few bands I'm really enjoying right now.
  • Signal Hill - An instrumental post-rock group. Their self-titled EP is amazing.
  • This Will Destroy You - Another instrumental post-rock group. Really great stuff. Very... Emotionally charged, I suppose.
  • Caspian - Beautiful music. Listen to "The Four Trees" now.
  • Glowworm - Very atmospheric music. Absolutely beautiful. Listen to 'Lux' from "The Coachlight Woods". Gorgeous.
  • We Shot The Moon - It's the guy from Waking Ashland. Of course it's amazing. It's a lot more pop-oriented than his previous material, which is a breath of fresh air. "Fear and Love" is great.
  • You.May.Die.In.The.Desert - Math rock with a touch of jazz. Wonderful stuff.
  • The Samuel Jackson Five - Math rock with a lot of jazz influence. Remarkable stuff.
  • Followed By Ghosts - Listen to "Dear Monsters, Be Patient" immediately.
As you might notice, I'm in kind of a Post-Rock kick right now. But, just know, you should be eagerly awaiting the new Houston Calls CD. It's gonna be incredible.

I still don't have the best of 2007 set in stone yet. It's coming.

Listen To: American Analog Set