A Little Turnaround
After "The Alexisonfire Incident", I think I've come to a little turnaround. Nailed some great CD's. :D Lets lay them out.
First, I'd been meaning to pick up Dave Melillo's debut EP, "Talk Is Cheap" for a while. So I did. And I found that Track 5, 'Morris County Blues' is an incredible song. Dave's got skill, the end.
Also, I had ordered Goodbye Tomorrow's 3 song EP a while ago, but it was out of stock. Well, it's back in stock and in my hands. INCREDIBLE EP. It's ambient, technical, and the singing is spine tingling. I still can't get over
how powerful the phrase "You're not alone" is in 'Tragedienne'. I love the singing, and the music is breathtaking. Sounds like... Muse / As Tall As Lions / Mute Math / Copeland all had a baby and it knows karate. Awesome. Also, 'Carouseling' is an amazingly catchy song and equally as gorgeous. Also, I love the lyrics of this band. :D I could go on... ;D
For those that know me, you'll know that I ADORE The Militia Group. I'll pretty much grab anything that comes from their direction. As many of you know, Watashi Wa broke up. Their singer, Seth Roberts, went on to form Lakes. And I bet he never turned back. Their debut CD, Photographs EP, is stunning. It's so romantic and thoughtful, catchy and bold. The album conjures images of holding your lovers hand and the time you fell in love. In a word, it's heartwarming. Read my full review of Photographs EP here.
And finally, I picked up The Working Title's 2006 release, "About-Face". It's an experience. These guys are so incredibly talented, they bounce from genre to genre effortlessly. The album starts out with a raw, danceable tone. Then they move into a more of an indie soft-rock sound, and it's beautiful. Track 5 through 7 are my favorites. Track 6, 'The Crash', displays their singers unique "sigh" singing. It's incredible. ^_^ALSO - wait for it - Track 7 is a very pretty song. The CD slows down a bit, not neccesarily in tempo, and ends with an incredible 10 minute song. Highly recommended CD. The Working Title have so many influences it seems. Weezer, John Mayer, The Postal Service, Copeland, Nickleback, Brandtson, The Killers, and Muse.
New Found Glory's new CD, "Coming Home" came out today. Oh, and so did Fear Before The March Of Flames new CD. And so did the re-release of Valencia's incredible "This Could Be A Possibility". Reminder to self to pick all those up.
Listen To: Lakes
First, I'd been meaning to pick up Dave Melillo's debut EP, "Talk Is Cheap" for a while. So I did. And I found that Track 5, 'Morris County Blues' is an incredible song. Dave's got skill, the end.
Also, I had ordered Goodbye Tomorrow's 3 song EP a while ago, but it was out of stock. Well, it's back in stock and in my hands. INCREDIBLE EP. It's ambient, technical, and the singing is spine tingling. I still can't get over

For those that know me, you'll know that I ADORE The Militia Group. I'll pretty much grab anything that comes from their direction. As many of you know, Watashi Wa broke up. Their singer, Seth Roberts, went on to form Lakes. And I bet he never turned back. Their debut CD, Photographs EP, is stunning. It's so romantic and thoughtful, catchy and bold. The album conjures images of holding your lovers hand and the time you fell in love. In a word, it's heartwarming. Read my full review of Photographs EP here.
And finally, I picked up The Working Title's 2006 release, "About-Face". It's an experience. These guys are so incredibly talented, they bounce from genre to genre effortlessly. The album starts out with a raw, danceable tone. Then they move into a more of an indie soft-rock sound, and it's beautiful. Track 5 through 7 are my favorites. Track 6, 'The Crash', displays their singers unique "sigh" singing. It's incredible. ^_^ALSO - wait for it - Track 7 is a very pretty song. The CD slows down a bit, not neccesarily in tempo, and ends with an incredible 10 minute song. Highly recommended CD. The Working Title have so many influences it seems. Weezer, John Mayer, The Postal Service, Copeland, Nickleback, Brandtson, The Killers, and Muse.
New Found Glory's new CD, "Coming Home" came out today. Oh, and so did Fear Before The March Of Flames new CD. And so did the re-release of Valencia's incredible "This Could Be A Possibility". Reminder to self to pick all those up.
Listen To: Lakes